

Hazel Keiro

Now a pensioner, but still jog twice a week, came late in life to jogging, though did do some when my children were small, but started again when the Strathpeffer Jogscotland was set up Jan.2005, when Fiona Ross decided to give up as our leader in 2007, I did my training at Inverness college and took the group on! I later helped Joan Munro set up the Muir of Ord group and jog regularly with them on Wed afternoon’s, taking over when Joan needs time off!

I keep fit between jogs with yoga, hill walking, kayaking and Nordic Walking (instructor)!

Diana Mackenzie

Although I have always been an active person I never ever considered running to be a pastime I would enjoy. To my mind it was the domain of a different breed of person. I came to jogscotland for the first time with a running friend and very soon was organising my week so I would not miss the Wed afternoon run. Worked towards a few 10K events and the Aviemore half marathon which was definitely a highlight. Undertook the jog leader training in order to help Joan out with big groups. I have really enjoyed running (in 10mile stages) The Great Glen Way and The Speyside Way with a couple of friends and we have identified The Dava Way as our next challenge. I love running through different scenery and terrain and for the most part, off-road.

Mike Dignan

Like most folk I started running on the treadmill at the gym and absolutely hated it, then an instructor started me running for a few minutes then walking for a few minutes and gradually increasing the running and decreasing the walking, within a month of starting this I entered the Baxters 10k, then stopped running and forgot about the 10k!!! With only 2 weeks to go I got my info pack through and panic set in, so I decided to try it anyway and clocked a time of 69 minutes, but more importantly the buzz i got from that race got me well and truly hooked to jogging/running and entering races.

That was almost 4 years ago and now I’m addicted, out running 3 times a week, training with the military 2 nights a week, combined on a regular week I’m probably doing about 20 miles a week, and probably taking part in about a dozen events a year. Without a shadow of a doubt I prefer off-road running, even doing hills which are an occupational hazard, running on roads is fine but gets very boring for me. I joined Muir of Ord Jog Scotland 2 years ago to give me more motivation to train regularly, I stay in Inverness but at that time there was nothing in town that really attracted me, and have found it to be a most sociable group of like minded folk who encourage each other for all levels of fitness and eventing. Becoming a Jog Leader was mainly to give back to the club some of the encouragement to newer members that I received when I joined and also to develop the club and help develop everybody’s fitness level – plus Joan told me I had to do it!!!!!

Joan Munro

I began jogging less than a year before I retired and within 7 months had run the Loch Ness Marathon. When I started training, I couldn’t run for a bus and thoughts of taking part in a marathon couldn’t have been further from my mind. Anyway I got the bug! So when I retired, I was persuaded to train to be a jogleader, and with the help of Hazel Keiro and Paul McGowan a jogleader from Fortrose, the Muir of Ord jogscotland group was born in April 2006.

I take part in a few events each year, but what I enjoy most is persuading others to start jogging and seeing so many each week enjoy the feeling of well-being.

Claire Macdonald

I joined the group in March 2010 after a colleague enthused about how she had gone along to the group and was amazed at how far she was able to run.  I had always felt envious of joggers/runners and wished I could run but hated running at school and gave up on the treadmills at the gym too easily!

I joined my colleague the following week, met with the group, joined a "run" (walk.jog) around the village and was hooked!

The group is so friendly and supportive and I was amazed at how quickly I progressed.  I enjoy meeting with the group twice a week, getting out on runs around the local area and encouraging/supporting new members. I trained as a jogleader in October 2011.

Heather Gilbertson

I returned to running in March 2011 after a 5 year break during which I had two children and suffered a fairly horrible spell of post natal depression after the arrival of my second daughter.  Returning to running was my way of getting a little bit of time for myself and was a lot easier than I expected.  After a few months of running alone, I was introduced to Muir of Ord Jogscotland.  I didn't expect running with a group to be so much fun and thoroughly enjoy our runs on and off road! 

I love being part of a group, the support and advice is invaluable and it has given me the confidence to enter lots of races and set myself new goals.  I have more energy for life and my family - I am healthier and have more confidence and the post natal depression has been well and truly beaten!  I couldn't have done it without running.

Now I am a jogleader (trained October 2011) I want to encourage others to try jogging/running and to enjoy it along with all the other benefits of running with a group.

Finlay Pennington

I trained to become a jogleader in March 2012 in order to support the recently formed Inverness jogscotland group but I can also now help out with the Muir of Ord group when required. 

After doing Sport Science at University I appreciate the enormous benefits of regular exercise on both physical health and mental wellbeing so I try to practice what I preach by keeping myself fit which includes, among other things, running regularly.  Training as a Jog Leader means I can encourage others to run and feel these benefits too. 

Running in a group environment is a massive advantage and serves as motivation to keep running when the going gets tough.  I especially enjoy the fortnightly interval sessions which are excellent but exhausting.

I like testing myself in events whether it be the weekly 5k parkrun in Inverness or a 10k or half marathon and I'm always trying to better my PB.  There are not many events now where there won't be a fluorescent yellow Muir of Ord jogscotland vest or t-shirt proudly on show!