Week beginning: Monday 9th February 2015

Post date: Feb 06, 2015 10:14:36 PM

Mon 9th- Meet at 6.45pm for a variety of routes, distances and speeds around the village. Meet as usual in village square.

Wed 11th- Afternoon run from the square at 1.30pm.

Wed 11th- Meet at 6.45 for a variety of evening runs around the village.

Saturday 14th - Parkrun in Inverness at 9.30 in Bught Park.

Remember to request to join our new "closed" facebook page- Muir of Ord Jogscotland. We'll try to keep it up to date with runs and information for everyone. Please feel free to add your own runs and arrange runs with others!

If you are thinking of starting to jog, then please come and give it a go. We are a very friendly bunch and will help you get started with a walk/jog session. Just wear supportive trainers and comfortable clothes. There will always be someone to jog or walk at your pace.

If you haven't been for a while- we'd love to see you back! Come and get started now so that you'll enjoy the off road runs around the local area in the summer!

Hope to see you soon!