Week beginning: Saturday 4th October

Post date: Oct 01, 2014 7:39:8 PM

Beginners are always welcome in our friendly group. We have several jog leaders and different groups to cater for all abilities from those hoping to run a mile to those training for an event of many miles! Our group is completely free- come along to the square for a membership form.

We're back running around the village so please remember hi-viz clothing and head torches!

Saturday 4th October - Parkrun - 5K at Bught Park Inverness at 9.30 am. Register on-line (see Inverness parkrun under Results page for information).

Monday 6th Oct: Intervals at 6.45pm at the 'bowl' football pitch (take the road opposite the golf club by the Police Station to the car park at the end). Interval training - suitable for all levels of fitness. Great fun!

Wednesday 8th Oct-afternoon run: Meet in the village square at 1.30pm for our usual run.

Wednesday 8th Oct- Meet in the village square at 6.45pm for our usual range of off-road runs.

Thursday 9th Oct : Morning run.Meet at 9.30am in the square.Contact Joan for more information.